Daron Superior is mixture of selected grapes from the wine sorts Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Vranec from the sunny slopes of Lepovo Brdo. Intensive red color that reaches purple with age. The scent reminds of dark and red barriers and spice. The flavor is elegant, full, rounded, soft, and long-lasting thanks to the great content of manoproteins and soft, noble tannins. It should be comsumed with veal or pork roast, smoked ham, strong cheese.

25,00  (188,36 kn) (S PDV-om)
33,33  (251,12 kn) /Litra

Nema na zalihi

TEČAJ: 1 EUR = 7,53450 HRK KATEGORIJE , , , ,

Dodatne informacije

Težina 1,85 kg
Dimenzije 15 × 15 × 38 cm
    Vaša košarica
    Vaša košarica je praznaPovratak u trgovinu



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